Company Name Check

Whenever we establish or register a company the first and most important step is to choose a name for it. And today we will discuss how one can choose a name for his or her company. Here are the steps to follow while selecting the company name. 

You must take into account the regulatory framework established by the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) while naming your business. Your application could be turned down if the name of your business does not comply with the MCA's list of requirements. Have a name in mind already? Check the availability of a company name by searching the MCA database.

How to Determine Availability of Company Name?

Following are the procedures to check the availability of the company :

Select "Search" and type the name of your business.

The methods for displaying the data on the screen will differ in three ways:

  1. If you receive less than three results, the word "High Probability" will be displayed, indicating that there is a strong likelihood that the government will approve the use of your company name.
  2. There are 50% odds for your company name to be approved if the notice during the company name search reads "Moderate Probability."
  3. A notice titled "Low Probability" will appear if there are more than 8 possible outcomes. There are fewer chances that your company will be accepted here. You must select a new name in this case.

Guidelines to Select Company Name


Your chosen name shouldn't sound or look like any already-used names, either phonetically or in terms of words. If such a name is discovered, it may be a crime. A name should have a noun and an activity word that accurately describes the type of business being conducted. You can prevent such errors by using company name search procedures.


To confirm that the name selected by a company does not already exist, the applicant is asked to conduct a Trademark Registration Online search. Duplication is avoided by this procedure.

Choose a name that fits:

A name should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Should include a word that provides a brief summary of the company.
  • A name ought to be distinctive to prevent confusion or insult.
  • The name should end with this acronym in the case of PVT LTD or LTD etc.

Block domain :

Because a different domain name must be created for each applicant, you should block your domain name to prevent confusion.

Regulatory acclaim:

RBI, SEBI, IRDAI, and other regulatory bodies may need to approve a firm name if it contains the phrases insurance, bank, stock exchange, venture capital, asset management, mutual fund, etc.

Authorized funds:

Companies with names like "Global," "Continental," "Asiatic," "Industries," "Udyog," "Hindustan," "India," "Bharat," "Enterprises," "Products," and "Business" shall have an authorized capital of Rs. 5 lakhs and above.

How JR Compliance can Help You?

  • Our consultants will educate you concerning each and every aspect of company name selection. Including how to get it.
  • JR’s skilled consultants will assist you in filling out the application form for obtaining a company name.
  • We will ensure a smooth procedure by ensuring proper documentation and evaluation.
  • The professional consultants of JR Compliance will provide you with proper guidance during the registration procedure.
  • In case of queries, we will provide you with the best possible solution for your concerns regarding company name registration.


To conclude, JR Compliance can assist you in obtaining the company name registration approval by ensuring proper documentation, evaluation, testing, etc. Moreover, to make our client understand each aspect of it, we will educate you regarding the same.

Additionally, late document submission, or filling in false information in the application form can delay the process.

Thus, to avoid such inaccuracy contact our expert and experienced team immediately for professional assistance and support in choosing the company name.