What is an online pollution certificate for factory? Why would an industry need a pollution certificate? 

We would like to start with the answer to the latter question, pollution is consistently becoming a major part of our life, like the air we breathe. And it is very clear to all of us that consistent industrialization is one of the major causes of environmental degradation and pollution. 

However, the importance of industrialization can not be underestimated for a growing economy like India. 

So, the government of India has established a Central Pollution Control Committee (CPCB) which is responsible to keep the pollution in check to preserve the environment. That’s why obtaining an online pollution certificate for the factory is one of the parts of the measure taken by the CPCB. 

The point to be noted is that the Pollution Control Board or Committee of each state differs, so, to obtain the online pollution certificate for a factory, you are required to contact the Pollution Control Board of the concerned state. However, here, we will be focusing on the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) - Pollution Control Committee of Delhi. 

So, let’s dive into which pollution certificate a factory would require to operate.

Which Pollution Certificate an Industry Would Require to Operate?

The industry is required to obtain a Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO) depending on the category of the industry. 

In Delhi, industries have been categorized into different categories depending on the pollution index of the score which reflects the pollution an industry creates - 

Online Pollution Certificate For Factory

  • Red (Pollution Index score of 60 and above)
  • Orange (Pollution Index score of 41 to 59)
  • Green (Pollution Index score of 21 to 40)
  • White category (Pollution Index score incl. & up to 20)

The industries in Delhi have been classified in the Red/ Orange/ Green/ White category as per the list, indicating the classification of 637 industries as uploaded on the DPCC website.

The industries categorized under the White category shall not be required to obtain the Consent to Establish / Operate under the Air & Water Acts and submit an undertaking to DPCC online and send the signed copy of the undertaking within 30 days to DPCC.

The industries categorized under the Red, Orange, and Green categories only need to apply for Consent to Establish/ Operate under the Air & Water Acts. The period of Consent to Establish shall be from one year to seven years as requested by the Project Proponent. However, the Consent to Operate / Renewal shall be granted for 5 years in the case of the Red/Orange Category and 10 years in the case of the Green category of Industries.

Hope you have understood, which online pollution certificate for factories is required, and which industry requires to obtain it. Now, let’s move to, what is DPCC and the role of DPCC in providing pollution certificates. 

What is DPCC and its Role in Online Pollution Certificate For Factory?

Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) is an autonomous body, which was established after the Notification dated 15-03-1991 of CPCB, with the fundamental motive to implement the Environmental or Pollution laws. It is the pollution control authority of Delhi which emphasizes on maintaining a balance between environmental growth, economic growth, and social growth in the capital territory. 

Moreover, DPCC is the pollution control authority of Delhi, which has the authority to provide CTE.

Roles of DPCC in Online Pollution Certificate For Factory

Online Pollution Certificate For Factory

  • Provide suggestions to the Government of Delhi with respect to control and prevention of pollution.
  • Organizes mass media awareness programs on the prevention, control, or decreasing pollution.
  • Collect, systemize, and prepare the technical and statistical data with respect to pollution. 
  • Prepare manuals, codes, and guidelines regarding the treatment and disposal of sewage and trade effluents and for stack gas cleaning devices, stacks and ducts.
  • Provide information on matters relating to water and air pollution, including their prevention and control.
  • Establish standards of sewage and trade effluents and emissions from automobiles, industrial plants, and Health Care Establishments. 
  • Develop reliable and pocket-friendly methods of treatment of sewage, trade effluent, and air pollution control equipment.
  • Assess the quality of ambient water and air, and check the installation of wastewater treatment, air pollution control equipment, industrial plants, or manufacturing processes to check their performance and to take necessary actions for the prevention, control, and reduction of air and water pollution.
  • Issues the approval certificate to the industries, under various industrial categories such as Red, Orange, Green, and White. 
  • Issue the authorization to the Industries and Health Care Establishments, which falls under Bio-Medical Waste Authorization, Plastic Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Management Authorization, Battery Waste Management, and E-waste Authorization. 

How to Get an Online Pollution Certificate For a Factory?

DPCC registration process is different for different categories of Industries (Red, Orange, and Green). Below-mentioned are the DPCC registration processes,

1. DPCC Registration Process For Red/Green/Orange Category Business

Online Pollution Certificate For Factory

  • The documents need to be submitted online.
  • DPCC undertaking will be generated.
  • Verification of all the documents and details will be done
  • Thereafter, the DPCC certificate will be generated. 
  • A signed hard copy will be submitted to the DPCC.

NOTE- DPCC consent will be refused in case your industry neither falls under industrial area, nor under redevelopment area.

2. DPCC Undertaking Process For White Category Industries

Online Pollution Certificate For Factory

white category industries are not required to obtain the CTE or CTO. However, they are required to submit an undertaking online to DPCC within 30 days along with sending a signed copy of the undertaking.

Assuming that you have understood how you can obtain an online pollution certificate for the factory. As you can see, each category requires a different certification process - which makes this process challenging. While considering that it is a newly emerged certification, not most of the compliance service providers are aware of the same too. 

That’s why, JR Compliance - solely with the motive to make the first step toward environmental preservation have come up with an integrated approach that will make online pollution certificate for factory seamless.

Thereafter, let’s understand how JR Compliance can make online pollution certificates for factory seamless.

How Will We Help in Pollution Certificate For Factory?

How will we make documentation easy?

Our consultants are up to date with all the required changes in the documents requirements to complete the registration. Moreover, we guarantee to submit the documents on time, as and when required. 

How will we make registration easy for you?

  • We will Assist you in respect to each aspect of the CTE or CTO procedure.
  • Our consultants are equipped with all the necessary resources to provide you complete assistance in obtaining pollution certificates for any category of industry.
  • We will directly coordinate with the officials to know, under which category an industry falls.
  • To avoid every possible inaccuracy, we will conduct pre-audits and industry monitoring to ensure whether all the obligatory requirements are maintained or not.

Do we provide 24x7 support to our clients?

Our consultants are available to solve any possible query you may have 24x7.

Are our services restricted to registration only?

For us, our client's convenience matters the most, that is why we will also provide after-sales services to our clients.

How long will it take to get a pollution certificate for the factory?

We will complete the online pollution certificate for a factory in at least 30 working days. However, it may differ depending on the submission of the correct documents by the client, and any other query which may occur.


Online pollution certificate for factories is necessary to obtain to preserve the environment from pollution. While it is well said, it is easier said than done, because when filling the pollution certificate, an individual needs to consider so many things, from documentation to under which category his industry falls.

Consequently, we - JR Compliance, an award-winning compliance service provider possess the experts and resources which are necessary to take care of every aspect of the pollution certificate. Be it documentation, analyzing under which category your industry falls (by coordinating with officials), and any other certification requirements - we have got you covered. 

For expert and reliable consultation, contact us.