Top Reasons to Get Your Products BIS Certified in 2024

Top Reasons to Get Your Products BIS Certified 2024

BIS is the National Standards Body of India. BIS is termed as Bureau of Indian Standards, which is under the BIS Act 2016 for the unity development of the activities of standardization, marking, and quality certification of goods.

Bureau of Indian Standards provides tangibility and traceability benefits to the national economy in numerous ways, which include the safety of reliable quality goods, minimizing the health hazards to consumers, Import and export substitution promotion, as well as control over variety proliferation through standardization, certification, and testing.

BIS certification is mandatory for certain goods or products in India. If you plan to apply for BIS certification Registration then you must get the details on the BIS eligible product list. In this article, you will explore the reasons to get your BIS certification for your product. Check the details below

5 Reasons to Get Your Products BIS Certified

  • BIS certification on your product works as proof that the product aligns with BIS standards.
  • You can avoid the risk of penalties or fines for your products and save yourself from loss.
  • It serves as evidence that it is tested by Indian Standards and requirements.
  • The biggest advantage is that your competitors get behind you, and consumers choose your goods or products because it certified as safe and good quality.
  • Easy acceptance and a good reputation in the Indian market.

BIS Mandatory Product list:

  • Food and food products
  • Battery
  • Electric transformers
  • Automobile accessories
  • Kitchen Appliances
  • Oil pressure stove
  • Chemicals and Fertilizers
  • Cables
  • Air Conditioner and its related parts
  • Medical equipment

See the complete list of BIS-approved products.

What is the validity of the BIS product certification licence?

According to BIS certification under Scheme-I is granted to you for two years and it is valid for the mentioned products in the licence. For an extended period of validity, you must fill the application with the fee and required documents under the existing licence that is required to be submitted. This renewal BIS certificate licence may be valid for up to 5 years from the last date mentioned in the licence.


To conclude, it is mandatory to have BIS Certification on your products, and the article mentions solid points about the benefits and reasons to apply for BIS certification online. If you require a consultant to guide you through BIS certification online then reach out to JR Compliance.