WPC is Wireless Planning & Coordination, it is the national broadcasting authority in India and a part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. It is a verification process for wireless equipment and products to ensure the efficiency and safety of the product. Manufacturers, brand Owner and importers who produce or import wireless products, including Bluetooth devices, RFID Devices, Wireless Remotes, Wireless Watches, Wi-Fi routers, mobile phones and all radio frequency devices ( Wi-Fi & Bluetooth enabled products) require a necessary certification called WPC. WPC certification takes around 20-25 days.

Importers and manufacturers have to submit their products for verification. According to Indian market standards, the product needs to be verified by the WPC. In 1985, the DOT Department of Telecommunication was discovered, it is under the authority of the Ministry of Communication and Technology. To obtain a WPC certificate, read further.

What is the benefit of a WPC Certificate:

  • A manufacturer will get approval for their product and they will have access to the biggest market.
  • Your WPC license will be confirmed as a good quality, reliable, and safe product
  • Assurance of Product Quality
  • Competitive advantages
  • You can avoid penalties and fees.
  • Many consumers will trust your product
  • Since it will verify harmful radiofrequency, your product will be in demand

Types of Licenses in WPC:

  • ETA (Equipment Type Approval)
  • Demonstration License
  • Experimental license
  • ISP (Internet service provider license)
  • DPL (Dealer possession License)
  • NDPL (Non-dealer possession license)
  • Import licence

 WPC Certificate Process

  • Preparation of the application documents.
  • RF( Radio Frequency) testing from an accredited laboratory in India.
  • Application submission through documents and test reports.
  • Issuance of the certificate through the WPC department.

List of documents for WPC-ETA approval

  • RF (Radio Frequency test report) from either an ILAC-accredited foreign lab and for Indian Lab NABL accredited is necessary.
  • It requires a digital copy of the RF Test report, which is mandatory
  • An authorization letter and an ID proof from the Head of the manufacturing unit are necessary for signing the documents.
  • The Indian organization executive is designated as the authorized signatory and a representative of a foreign manufacturer in India.
  •  Product technical documents and technical information about the product, which includes a user manual, must be provided. 

Why JR compliance service you need:

  • JR provides professional assistance for filling out the complex forms and documentary process.
  • They have direct communication and a strong network with WPC officers.
  • Our services are to provide you with consultants that educate you in each step of the WPC approval process.
  • It is our responsibility to fill out and check the errors in the WPC registration form.
  • We will assist you with documentation and evaluation.
  • To test and approve the testing of the equipment, it is our responsibility. We will coordinate with the laboratory and do a follow-up.
  • Our expert team is always there to answer quick queries or confusion regarding WPC certification. Contact us for a free, expert consultation. Visit the JR compliance website, for more information.


To conclude, avoid the tedious process that will take your time. Get JR service because we are a team of experts, trusted by many corporate companies. We have an overall of 10+ years of experience. 

To avoid the problematic and complex WPC certificate process, talk to our WPC Compliance Experts


JR Compliance
#1 Compliance Consultants
