#bis certification services
BIS Certificate for PPE safety footwear | BIS Certification for Footwear Manufacturers | IS 15298 Part 2(2016)
IS 15298 (Part 2): 2016 prescribes the necessity of a BIS ISI certification Online for PPE safety footwear it protects one from any injuries and accidents.
BIS Certificate For Electrical Appliances | BIS Certification
Know what is BIS certification and what are the benefits of BIS certifications. Moreover, click to know which certificate is applicable to electrical appliances, including how to obtain a BIS certificate for electrical appliances.
BIS Certificate For RAM | BIS Certification Services
Click and know whether you need a BIS certificate for RAM, however, if it does, know which BIS Certification is applicable to RAM. Also, understand what is BIS certification and how to obtain a BIS certificate.
How to Apply BIS Certificate | How to Get BIS Certificate?
Know all about how to Apply/ Get BIS Certificate? other aspects of the BIS certification process, benefits, BIS certification schemes, and more.